Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time in 21st Century ‘Malaysia Boleh’

“Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar  menempelak sikap membatu dan membisu Pengerusi Mais, Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa dan Pengarah Jais, Datuk Mohammed Khusrin Munawi.

Sebelum ini MAIS (Majlis Agama Islam Selangor)  mengambil alih Surau Al-Huda di Kajang kononnya kerana Ahli Parlimen Serdang Teo Nie Ching(1) memberikan 'tazkirah' di surau itu manakala Khusrin pula memberikan 'fatwa' kononnya orang bukan Islam adalah 'dilarang memasuki ruang solat kerana mereka dalam berkeadaan hadas besar.”

The above passage, taken from digital paper of Pas (http://www.harakahdaily.net/v2)  has the following message:

“The Vice President of Pas, Pan Malaysian Islamic Party, Datuk Mahfuz Omar took to task the stone-walling attitude and the deafening silence of the Chairman of The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS), Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa and the Director, the Department of Islamic Affairs Selangor, Datuk Mohammed Khusrin Munawi.

Earlier MAIS took over Surau (mini-mosque) Al-Huda because Teo Nie Ching an opposition lady Member-of-Parliment of Serdang, Selangor visited the Surau where she was reported to have purportedly entered the prayer hall and offered a ‘sermon’ to the congregation.  Khusrin gave the ‘fatwa’ (a religious decree/ruling) that non-Muslims are barred from entering the prayer halls of mosques and suraus due to their state of being in ‘hadas besar’ness(2)

(1) There was this incident when an opposition-lady-Member-of-Parliment of Serdang, Selangor Teo Nie Ching visited a surau (mini-mosque) where she was reported to have purportedly entered the prayer hall and offered a ‘sermon’ to the congregation ― much to the chagrin of these two high ranking religious officials.  In reply Teo Nie Ching explained that she was invited into the prayer hall by the congregation and was also invited to ‘say something’.

It was also reported that when the Teo Nie Ching incident was brought up to the attention of highest religious authority of the state by the religious officials ― the highest authority seemed upset.  

(2)A person, for example, is regarded to be in the state of having the ‘hadas besar’ after a sexual intercourse or a lady who is in her menstrual cycle.  To be lifted of this state of being unclean, one has to take a proper bath, in the manner prescribed by Islam.

Other related issues

Recently, when another male Indian MP, Kamalanathan ― this time from the ruling BN (National Front) coalition visited and awarded a cheque to a certain mosque in Selangor, these same religious officials did not appear to be interested while the government mouth piece, especially “Utusan Malaysia” which has had its field day during the earlier incident, chose to look away. 

Judging by the behaviour of these religious experts and the media, this second incident appeared to be a non-issue after all.  Perhaps this is the norm, standard, ethics and professionalism among certain quarters in ‘Bolehland’.   

On our part, we are still confident that these two top guns from MAIS and JAIS are still very busy compiling the second report.  Are we going to see yet another decree/ruling being proclaimed soon?

Educate,  says veteran writer Subky Latif

Following the incident, certain quarters are requesting that appropriate action be taken against Khusrin of  the Religious Department.  The veteran writer Subky Latiff, however disagreed.  The better  option, according to Subky is to educate these officials. 

“If we remove them of their positions, how different are we from them/Umno in dealing with our government servants?”

A sentiment which is similarly shared by Tan Sri Khalid, the Chief Minister of Selangor who has since been having a fair share of the Umno die hards, the likes of Khusrin within the system.

(The full text in Malay)

Kamalanathan: Mana fatwa ‘Hadas Besar” Khusrin 

By: Abdul Aziz Mustafa (http://www.harakahdaily.net)   

Kuala Lumpur, 20 Sept: Sultan Selangor diharap tidak membiarkan Pengerusi Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (Mais) dan Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) terus bersikap double standard apabila Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) yang tidak beragama Islam masuk ke dalam masjid, kata Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar.

Mengulas pendedahan Ahli Jawatankuasa Politik PAS, Khalid Abdul Samad bahawa Ahli Parlimen Hulu Selangor, P Kamalanathan berada di dalam Masjid Sungai Tengi Selatan untuk menyampaikan cek, Mahfuz menempelak sikap membatu dan membisu Pengerusi Mais, Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa dan Pengarah Jais, Datuk Mohammed Khusrin Munawi.

"Sebelum ini Mais mengambil alih Surau Al-Huda di Kajang kononnya kerana Ahli Parlimen Serdang Teo Nie Ching memberikan 'tazkirah' di surau itu manakala Khusrin pula memberikan 'fatwa' kononnya orang bukan Islam adalah 'dilarang memasuki ruang solat kerana mereka dalam berkeadaan hadas besar'.

"Mana fatwa 'hadas besar' Khusrin yang turut digunakan oleh (Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri) Hishammuddin (Tun Hussein) apabila Kamalanathan berada di dalam masjid?" kata Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu.

Beliau menyifatkan apa yang berlaku itu memperlihatkan Pengerusi Mais dan Pengarah Jais ‘menggunakan neraca politik’ dalam tindakan mereka.

"Mereka jelas menampakkan bahawa mereka menggunakan neraca politik dan bukan neraca agama dalam tindakan mereka.

"Lebih dari itu, mereka juga memperlihatkan dengan amat jelas bahawa mereka adalah kakitangan Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN)," kata Mahfuz.

Perbuatan mereka juga, katanya lagi, boleh menyebabkan diri mereka dianggap memberikan nasihat yang berbentuk hasutan kepada Sultan.

"Apabila mereka bersikap double standard dalam isu Teo dan Kamalanathan, amat jelas mereka melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang menjatuhkan maruah Sultan Selangor," kata beliau.

Sebab itulah, kata Mahfuz, beliau berharap Sultan Selangor tidak membiarkan kedua-duanya menjadikan hal-ehwal Islam sebagai mangsa kepentingan politik mereka.

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