Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"but perceptions are difficult creatures to tame.." Tunku Aziz

Kata-kata sekeliling kita

Petikan pandangan Tunku Aziz:  The Malaysian Insider, January 18, 2011

Isu Pertama: Tentang keputusan koroner apa yang terjadi kepada TBH

The long-awaited coroner’s verdict on the death of Teoh Beng Hock had finally been delivered. The open verdict is nothing if not an affront to human dignity and a travesty of justice. Any reasonable citizen following the proceedings would have, in all the circumstances, been entitled to expect other than an open verdict which in the event has opened a can of worms to destroy the last vestige of public trust in the criminal justice system, long eroded by corruption.

The system, as we all know, was emasculated by successive prime ministers, starting with Mahathir. The unholy trinity of corruption, abuse of power with impunity, and desecration of religious, ethical and moral values in national life, sanctified by Che Det, will I am sure last many lifetimes unless we say enough is enough.

The verdict reminds me of a comment on public enquiries I came across a long time ago (source forgotten) which goes: “As civil servants are apt to say, one does not commission an enquiry unless one clearly knows the answer.” The coroner, a civil servant, knew at the outset what verdict should be delivered. Blame the corrupt system. The coroner was merely doing the job expected of him by the Najib administration.

Mahathir’s legacy has left this nation in a shambles. Should he not at least admit responsibility and ask for forgiveness so that we may start afresh to rebuild Malaysia without the excesses of the past?

Isu kedua: Tentang perlantikan Suk Selangor dan peranan pelbagai pihak  

Take, for example, the appointment of the Selangor state secretary. The Sultan in this very public controversy, I am afraid, has been badly advised. He has blithely, amidst much pomp and circumstance, naturally, trespassed, in a manner of speaking, into a politically explosive situation, a veritable minefield if ever there was one. Minefields, political or otherwise, are not known for their ability to distinguish a Sultan from a mentri besar.

He is a constitutional monarch, the Sultan, I mean, not the MB who is a political animal. His Royal Highness should confine himself to matters in which he has a clearly defined role to play.
Plunging into the murky waters of politics, where even killer whales fear to put in an appearance, is to risk losing the special constitutional protection that sets His Royal Highness apart from the chattering hordes of common politicians.

HRH has now blown to smithereens the aura and mystique of his royal person. Rightly or wrongly, many now invariably see him in a new light, and from a different perspective or angle, as a person who no longer is above the political fray.

I know this is not true, but perceptions are difficult creatures to tame. All rather unfortunate because the controversy could arguably have been avoided. There is, of course, that little legal maxim “The King Can Do No Wrong.” Unfortunately it was inappropriate to apply it in this context. I hope we have all learnt a good deal from this unfortunate and unhappy episode.

Ketiga: Petikan perbualan Mak-Mak Cik di sebuah pasar raya

Mak Cik A: Saya tak nampak kacang hijau di sini.  Selalunya di sini...

Mak Cik B:  Kalau tak ada tu, bila ada balik nanti dalam bungkus baru harga pun baru

Mak Cik C:  Bawang dan minyak pun payah

Mak Cik A: Bawang dah naik, dari RM 2.30 ke RM 9.00 sekilo.

Entah Mak Yang Mana Satu:  Nak buat macam mana, kita terpaksa bayar jugalah...

Pak Cik Sibuk:  Boleh.  Mau tak??  Kita piket ramai-ramai???        

Segala Mak Cik: Yaaa...???

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