Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The heart of a gentle person - Dr Jeyakumar

The heart of a gentle person - Dr Jeyakumar
 I am writing this urgent letter to all Malaysians to be aware of the suffering that all the 6 PSM  members are going thru . Isolated from loved ones and family they will have to beg to go to Toilet , or shave or bathe and hence the mental torture starts .I am writing on behalf of Dr Jeyakumar as I am a part of his family .I hope and trust that the family members of the others will start writing too to urge people not to stand for the utterly stupid charges against the 6 .If in fact there was a T shirt or poster of " former " CPM leader Chin Peng , how is it wrong . ???

The National Libraries  and most libraries in Universities have many books on communism for reference and reading . There are even books with his pictures as well as other involved in the struggle at that time. Is Hishamuddin going to remove all reference books in all the libraries ?? Is he going to have all the Librarians arrested or having reference material on communism ??

Hishamuddin calls the Bersih Rally illegal and as such justifies the wearing of bersih T shirts illegal also and had the 30 peole arrested . If so , the Perkas rally and UMNO Youth rally was also illegal , can we assume as such that wearing Parkas  shirts and UMNO Youth Illegal . Hishamuddin is the most shameless politician for using such a stupid comparison . He takes us ordinary Malaysians as stupid but we have to show his in a clear, non violent  and reasonable way that we will not accept this action .  
 Dr Jeyakumar
 I know Dr Jeyakumar personally . His father is also a doctor. Let me first tell you some childhood stories that will capture your imagination of this simple yet strong willed but gentle person .

 1 st personal story
 In his teens One day he went to to town to buy some items . He simply wore slippers and told his mum that he will be back later .A few hours later he called and asked his mum  to please come and fetch him back . His mum was busy and asked him to take the bus but he pleaded with her to just come this time . She relented and went to pick him up and found him without slippers !!! standing on the inside of the pavement in a shop away from the heat of the midday sun . 

Looking relieved he quickly jumped into the car . People had been staring at him whenever they passed by and wondering what was wrong with this boy . In the car he explained that he saw an old man shuffling about without slippers and could not stand it anymore and just gave him his own slippers to walk .
Only after doing that he realised that the pavement was very hot and couldn't walk to the bus stop and also was receiving strange stares from passerby and decided to call his mother. 

Such is the heart of this gentle man who has been arrested by Hishamuddin  and the police saying he is a communist and was carrying Bersih T shirts
2 nd personal story

When he was in University Malaya  he constantly involved himself in the plight of the estate workers . I know personally of how he started tuition classes in many estates from sg Siput to BUTTERWORTH  for poor students during his semester breaks. His legacy still continues till today with Indian students still sacrificing their important time during their breaks to tutor underprivileged students in estates till today .

When he became a doctor , he requested his posting to be in Sarawak interior where many places had no electricity and reachable by boat to treat orang asli and start education programmes for kindergarten aged children . He stayed for many ,many years in Sarawak doing selfless work among the poor and destitute .

Such is the heart of this gentle man who has been arrested by Hishamuddin  and the police saying he is a communist and was carrying Bersih T shirts

3 rd personal story

Once when I was in Ipoh  few years ago ,way before he became Member of Parliament (and like David beating Goliath - won the Parliamentary seat from Samy Velu) saw me and asked me if I was free . I replied that I was and and in the night approx 9 after he had finished his hospital rounds picked me up and we drove many miles and reached a large squatter area . The old blue rickety  Volkswagon tumbled and tossed in the uneven mud road and there were no streetlights at all and we ere driving in the dark .

After a long time we reached a broken down hut and inside was an old Indian lady on a makeshift bed . Dr Kumar listened for a long time to her crying and after sometime he gently talked to her and gave her some painkiller injections and she soon slept off . On the way back he told me that she was in the end  stage of her cancer and was dying and in so much pain . He made this trip twice or 3 times a week as she could not come to a hospital for pain medication . I sat quietly reflection how much just one person can do and how we who are so blessed do so little .

Dr Kumar is my cousin and I am proud to know him . !!! My relationship throughout the years have enriched me tremendously. I hope that reading this that you will not believe the lies that the mainstream newspapers is trying to tell you .

All of the 6 deserve our support and love - more so at this time , This is my simple testimony . I am sure that many , many more people will be able to share more experiences that they have had with Dr Kumar .

His gentle heart , his ready ear for listening even to the smallest complaints . I am enraged that they have locked him up without his seeing his wife and son and parents and friends. It is said that h is in solitary confinement . His 19 year old son who was also on the bus was arrested with him and kept in the lock up . 

Please read and pass to friends if you can . Remember - All it takes for Evil to Triumph is for good people to do nothing !! 

Proud to be his friend, 

( 012 - 2180525)        

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