Dalam bukunya, “Malaysian Federalism Conflict or Consensus” Mohammad Agus Yusoff, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 2006, (162 – 163) menulis begini:
“In any event, the politics of fear played upon by BN backfired. Mid-way through the election, Datuk Pairin Kitingan from Sabah-based PBS declared that his party intended to withdraw from the BN coalition, citing Mahathir’s unfavourable response to Sabah’s request for more federal assistance as a primary reason. Following this development, BN leaders immediately identified PBS as a Christian party, and claimed that its demand for a television channel for Sabah was intended to promote Christianity in the state, ultimately, in the country as a whole (NST, 19 Oct. 1990). When PBS allied itself to Semangat 46, Umno Baru leaders broadened their propaganda in an attempt to disgrace the S46 as a party willing to undermine the interests of both Malays and Muslims. They warned Malay voters that if they were not careful, the special position of the Malays in the country would be threatened. While in some states this strategy did translate into votes for Umno Baru, in Kelantan, it failed to have much effect. Given that Kelantan was a far less multiethnic state than most other states in the federation, the appeal to ethnic sensivities did not have the impact it seemingly had elsewhere. Moreover, Razaleigh was such a well-known and popular figure in Kelantan that photographs of him wearing a tajak salib (Kadazan native headgear) distributed by Umno were seen as an inappropriate attack on his character ― or so it was felt by many of those whom I interviewed at the tiem of the 1990 elections. ”
Apakah pengajarannya?
Itulah sejarah yang pernah kita lalui tatkala negara kita dipimpin oleh Wira Dunia Ketiga. Lihatlah bagaimana media dan segala ‘soldadu’ Umno/BN digunakan untuk menjatuhkan lawan-lawan politik mereka.
Lihatlah kerja buat Umno/BN yang tidak begitu difahami oleh orang-orang Melayu yang tidak mendapat maklumat yang sebenarnya:
i) PBS itu parti Kristian yang mahu mengkristiankan orang-orang Sabah dan juga orang-orang Melayu di Semenanjung. Caranya ialah dengan memohon lesen television.
ii) Semangat 46 bergabung untuk menjual hak-hak istimewa orang-orang Melayu. Oleh sebab itu orang-orang Melayu mestilah berhati-hati.
iii) Tanjak salib Kadazan yang dipakai Rezaleigh itu menjadi modal yang sangat ampuh malam-malam sebelum pilihan raya. Stesen television berpesta ria dengan bahan-bahan ini!
Semua ini terjadi apabila rakyat tidak lagi mahu menyokong Unmo/BN.
Apakah kita pelik dengan segala kerja buat Perkasam dan lain-lain itu selama ini?
Menjelang PRU 13, pelbagai strategi perlu diatur. Dan pelbagai institusi penting seperti SPR, Jabatan Pendaftaran dan para pendatang asing adalah senjata yang sangat ampuh.
Kita, rakyat jelata hanya tunggu dan lihat?
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