“Stop all these Cover Ups and Whitewash
by Din Merican
On December 30, 2010, I posted Tan Sri Robert Phang’s New Year’s Press Statement because I share his wishes and hopes for all Malaysians that God’s Blessings be upon all of us, that we become a truly 1Malaysia nation in the pursuit for Unity, Truth and Justice.
Hardly has the new year started, that wish was immediately dashed yesterday when the MACC Corruption Prevention Panel Chairman, Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, declared that the MACC Board members and Panel Advisers were satisfied with A-G Gani Patail’s explanation of his recent haj pilgrimage to Mecca with Tajuddin’s proxy, Shahidan Shafie.
Ramon said that the MACC Board and Panel members were satisfied with A-G Gani Patail’s explanation and found that there was no need to investigate the allegations. That is indeed amusing...”
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Thank you for your article.
Please translate your article to the malay language and disseminate to the kampung folks. Kampung folks still think UMNO/BN is their saviour and king.
How can those kampung folks hear and know of the truth? They will continue to vote for BN in GE 13.
Please do that. We need to vote BN out….this is the only hope the Rakyat has.
Or, we can all doa that a bad mishap wipe those BN goons out…such as they are consumed one by one by mid-air plane collision, road accidents (2 ex deputy IGPs have been paralysed by that and I think it is retribution), die in their sleep, die in sea accident..etc.
Meaning, call upon the acts of God to wipe the puak UMNO/BN from the face of this earth!!!
orang kampung
orang kampung - January 5, 2011 at 10:27 pm”
“We, the people
KJ John
Jan 3, 11
Jan 3, 11
(Malaysiakini, versi Inggeris)
Is there any doubt in anybody's mind that we are a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy, with the Agong assuming only some ceremonial roles as explicitly defined by the same constitution and other subsidiary legislation?
In simple language this means that the sultans have only the powers, duties, and responsibilities defined by the constitution and related laws.
In simple language this means that the sultans have only the powers, duties, and responsibilities defined by the constitution and related laws.
This also means that, since independence and the adoption of the federal constitution, all feudal powers and jurisdiction of the Malay Rulers are technically only there if defined by either the federal or state constitution.
Even conventions are subject to the constitutional principle. Therefore, from merdeka, we were always designed to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. We were always intended to be a parliamentary democracy, never a feudal one.
The premier calls this same governance system 'a people-first' government, with Umno making this agenda their cornerstone; which means the people are the key in any matter of the public interest. Do the HRHs in Malaysia have any doubts about all of this movement and change?
The premier calls this same governance system 'a people-first' government, with Umno making this agenda their cornerstone; which means the people are the key in any matter of the public interest. Do the HRHs in Malaysia have any doubts about all of this movement and change?
Rolls-Royce Thank you KJ for being brave, forthright, and to the point. Out of expediency, we find that the “governments of the people, by the people and for the people” that we so painstakingly helped to foster are competing to surrender their power away to an “unelected” institution. Since when have they got the permission from the rakyat to do that? KJ, one more point - we may have a “democratic” constitution from Merdeka. But, let’s face it; this country was never helmed by democrats. You and I know we have had our “democracy” the last 50 years simply because the election results had continued to favour them. They won, and that is why we have “democracy”, stupid. This country is every inch governed by third world tribal leaders with feudalistic mentality from the very beginning. We used to laugh at the Americans for spending their time politicking. I think we are 10 times worse. We think we own those elected positions. |
2 days ago” |
Pandangan bernas dalam bahasa Inggeris
Kita petik sebahagian kecil artikel-artikel di atas untuk perhatian para teman pembaca semua. Dua buah artikel itu sangat bernas, tajam dan berterus terang: Tak ada silat bahasa, lambang atau semiotik yang terlalu tersirat. Ibarat mengetuk kepala paku ― tepat mengenai kepalanya!
Kita juga memetik sampel pandangan para pengunjung blog dengan komentar mereka sebagai respons terhadap tulisan-tulisan yang dibentangkan.
Masalahnya cuma satu, bahan-bahan begini tidak sampai kepada para pengundi di luar bandar. Ini bermakna rakyat jelata di kampung masih lagi terus-terusan ‘tersisih’ daripada maklumat yang berterus terang, berani dan tegas. Mereka hanya membaca bahan-bahan yang dipaparkan oleh akhbar-akhbar yang telah menjahanamkan kita, rakyat jelata ― lebih-lebih lagi orang-orang Melayu.
Parti yang tidak pro-rakyat ini hanya terus-terusan berbohong dan berbohong dan JUGA bersembunyi di sebalik segala institusi yang ada ― untuk terus berkuasa.
Dan anehnya tanpa disedari(?) segala institusi yang sedang/telah diperalatkan ini ternyata semakin jauh dari hati rakyat. Buktinya sudah terbentang di depan mata. Katakanlah apa saja, rakyat yang bermaklumat tidak percaya.
Apakah yang dapat kita lakukan?
Sehubungan itu, kita berpendapat bahawa usaha yang lebih gigih, tersusun dan strategik mestilah diatur oleh Pakatan Rakyat dan semua pencinta keadilan yang kasihkan negara ini demi untuk menyanggah segala pembohongan dan penggelapan fakta daripada mata rakyat jelata.
Salah satu daripada caranya ialah dengan menterjemahkan bahan-bahan seperti ini.
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