Thursday, December 15, 2011

Maklumat untuk Pak Cik Mak Cik

Malam ini ada sebuah emel seorang teman lama. Para sahabat sekalian, silalah bantu cerahkan minda orang-orang Melayu yang sekian lama ditipu.

Terima kasih.


Dear Kassim

Video kali ini dalam blog Haris Ibrahim adalah lebih sesuai untuk Mak Cik dan Pak Cik Felda.

May be you also have had received the video from other source already .

We need all anti-UMNO groups to work in whatever their respective fields respectively.


Seorang Teman.

" ................................................... The DNBN KUBURKAN BN DI PRU13 documentary, which is about an hour and 44 minutes long, is, in its content, most complementary of the ASALKAN BUKAN umno initiative to be lauched later tonight.

The documentary has, this morning, been broken into 6 parts and uploaded onto Youtube with two objects in mind.

First, to enable all of you to view the same.
More importantly, to enable all of you to play an important role in taking this message out to the kampungs.

Please help to download all 6 parts, burn them on DVDs and take them out to your Malay friends, colleagues and relatives.

If each of you would undertake to burn and distribute 100 DVDs, particularly to people in the kampung, we would stand a fighting chance of bringing UMNO and BN to their knees.

We hope you will find the documentary informative. "

Click the link below:

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