Monday, October 13, 2014

"The liberals are behind him and the traditionalists are against him"

Siapakah mereka - The liberals dan the traditionalists?  

Sudah baca berita Malaysiakini versi Inggeris bertajuk

6:44PM Oct 12, 2014

Ini komen Datuk Abdul Kadir Jasin.  Kita boleh teliti buah fikiran dan pandangan mantan pengarang besar ini tentang beberapa hal.  Misalnya tentang Umno dan puak-puak di dalamnya dan pandangan mereka terhadap Akta-Akta yang dijadikan senjata ampuh terhadap musuh-musuh politik itu. Dan tentu sekali sikapnya terhadap PM Najib.

1. There have always been and there will always be people who are against things in the books of law.

2. The Sedition Act has always been opposed by a section of the population. But it was one sided and generally ignored.

3. But when Mohd Najib did away with the ISA and threatened to do the same with Sedition Act, it became a two-way debate.

4. The liberals are behind him and the traditionalists are against him and more dangerously they are now against each other.

5. I wonder what's going on in Mohd Najib's mind. In trying to be popular with his opponents, he is alienating Umno's core supporter. Thank you.

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