Sunday, September 5, 2010

Good luck 'era politik baru'

Good luck ‘politik era baru’
(Why we are different)

1) The sole protector of the ‘religion’ called ‘Melayu’

Nowadays there seemed to be so much of antics in town with the-so-obvious hollow story-lines which would quickly bore you to death. Usually the plot hinges around the two most popular exploits ― race and religion. Despite the public outcry; the performers, its organisers and their sponsors seemed to have acquired a special strand of immunity against all forms of rules and regulations of the land. And in spite of its horrible craftsmanship, the absurd continues to appear, episode after episode.

Worse, you seemed helpless with the situation. That is not the end; you begin to hate everyone including yourself. You hate yourself for that feeling of utter disgust, violently reeling inside you.

Initially, that was the scenario.

2) To react or to ignore?

Most of the time, you are angry with the whole situation. Inside, you keep on asking yourself what is the best way to react or behave? Is it wise to react or otherwise? Questions keep on popping up:

i) What is exactly going on?
ii) Why haven’t the authorities act accordingly and promptly?
iii) Why do we need such performances after 53 years of independence?
iv) The ‘whys’ keep on flowing and yet you are clueless, initially.

Finally you have arrived at your conclusion:

This is the performance for everyone to see. Stay away from the unwanted, and please rush back into our folds in droves. We are your ultimate protector.

3) Again to react or to ignore?

They have been doing it all the while. You can shout as much as you want. They can’t hear you because they do not want to hear you.

We must emulate them. We must learn the art of ignoring. We must unite and pass round the message that someone is putting up the series of performances. Why?

They are hoping to drive all of us back into the ‘racial’ pens erected for us.

4) Be careful: Don’t be angry

If you do just that, believe me, they have accomplished their mission. Worse still if you start classifying them as Malays and come up with ‘beautiful’ expressions such as:

“Malay tak guna. Melayu tak boleh pakai!”

“Melayu bodoh!!”

Soon, you will end up hearing replies such as:

“Cina makan babi”

“Cina balik Tongsan!”

(If you want more of these, just get hold of a copy of the DVD featuring ‘Gadoh’. Perhaps you may want to visit,

5) They will appear on stage, finally…

With their innocent looking props, they appear as if nothing serious has really happened.

Watch those cold and eerie stone-walled features; features which you often see on the various make-believe-acts-that-we-are-all-from-one-great-nation shows.

Unfortunately, they have conveniently forgotten the fact that they have been living in glass houses…

Yes, the word of advice is, just keep on ignoring while you continue to whisper THE Message around.

Good luck, ‘Era Politik Baru’. Dirgahayu negaraku yang tercinta.

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