Monday, September 27, 2010

Jasa Seorang Wira

Lagi legasi Wira Dunia Ketiga

Dalam bukunya, “Malaysian Federalism Conflict or Consensus” Mohammad Agus Yusoff, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 2006, (293) menulis begini:

“ Another step taken by the Federal government was to use the police to harass PBS leaders whom Mahathir believed had been responsible in stabbing him in the back in the 1990 parliamentary elections.  On 3 January 1991, Maximus Ongkili54, Pairin’s senior aide, was held for questioning under the ISA on suspicion of being a threat to national security through having inciting anti-federal sentiments (FEER, 17 January, 10-11).  Two days after Maximus was picked up, Pairin himself was arreseted at a police checkpoint on the road leading to his office, and charged on three counts of corruption involving RM 12millions worth of contracts55.

...Pairin’s trial received nationwide coverange, but in Sabah itself many voters saw it as yet another politically motivated attempt to undermine Pairin’s position in the state.  Pairin’s act of corruption, which he was accused of having committed in 1985, had only became an issue when he left the BN.  As one state assemblyman noted , “Mahathir wants to show the people that Pairin is corrupt, but the people know he is a political victim.”

In May 1991, Jeffery, who had earlier been arrested on charges of corruption, was arrested again under the ISA and accused of a plot to secede from the Federation(DE, 20 May 1991).”

Inilah contoh kerja buat seorang Melayu yang tidak pernah lupa.   Sekarang Melayu itu bercakap tentang Melayu yang akan kehilangan kuasa.  Betapa melucukan.

Bukankah sejarah sentiasa menjadi pencerita yang setia dan terbaik tentang pemimpin dan legasi kepimpinannya?

Siapa lagi yang mereka mahu terus-terusan, bohongi?

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