Asalkan terdaya,
teruslah berpura-pura dan berlakon?
428 kini menjadi
sejarah manis buat setiap lapisan rakyat Malaysia yang mendambakan sebuah pemerintah
yang baik. Sebuah pemerintah yang
dipilih rakyat secara JANTAN ― bukannya dengan cara menipu.
Apa pun Umno dengan
bantuan sayap samsengnya telahpun meninggalkan cirit birit hijaunya di segala
lorong, parit, longkang, sudut, kaki lima, simpang dan segala stesen di jantung
Kuala Lumpur. Parti Melayu itu kini luka
berdarah dicakar kawat berduri yang dipasangnya sendiri. Kawat berduri jenis perangkap-penjenayah itu,
matanya jeli, tajam lagi berbisa telah merobek-robek jantung Umno.
Tapi seperti
biasa, Umno masih jua mencari helah menafikan hakikat: Dia telah kalah di tangan rakyat.
Malam ini
seorang teman, menitip sebuah pesanan ringkas:
“I think it was
a great success with so many people turning up. Even though there were allegations
of “protestors” who resorted to violence, if true, they were of the
minority. Actually many are convinced that
there were provocaters, purposely planted
by the Government to create havoc.
Of course
there are lessons to be learnt ― especially how to organise future rallies of
such a gigantic magnitude. Many, including our group, didn’t receive any
message when it was declared over and we were to disperse. The tear gas did not reach our group, but it was
mild and we managed to walk back to Bangsar without being trapped.
What shall be
the follow-up action? I think many people are doing the right things by
collecting and compiling photos and videos of the wrong doings of the police.”
negara kita yang tercinta ini telah melahirkan beberapa orang lagi seasoned street joggers, craving for change.
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