Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Meniru perangai sang Semut


“sang semut masih selalu singgah-menyinggah,
ghairah bersalaman ataupun berpesanan
sebelum pantas meneruskan perjalanan.”

Samad Said dalam sajak “Bisik Semut” antologi “Rindu Ibu”, Wira Bukit: 2006: 39.

Bandingkan dengan tulisan Carne Ross dalam “The Leaderless Revolution”, halaman 158:

“Individual ants behave according to very narrow and singular behavioural patterns.  Each ant has a single function: one gathers leaves, another marks the way back to the colony, a third tends to the queen, a fourth takes care of the eggs and so on. But together these singular actions form something extraordinary: a huge self-sustaining colony, a super organism, that may cover scores of square miles.”

2.0 Bilakah kita mahu meniru perangai sang semut itu?


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