Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sang pelindung

“Mr PM; it is not that people do not understand or comprehend your 1Malaysia. It is simply that your own ministers are shooting themselves in the foot to deny your 1Malaysia; which every ordinary citizen understands. Why else would yet other 'idiocrats' suggest that defacing the Bible is their only way to protect Islam, in spite of the existence of Syariah Courts and the Conference of Rulers; all currently held only by Malays.

Umno cannot become the sole protectors of Islam; you have lost all such credibility. May Allah bless Malaysia”

Petikan dalam tulisan berjudul: “Is he PM of 1Malaysia? KJ John Mar 29, 2011 12:35pm”


dongeng kontot pekak  

Bacalah, segala gerak kerjanya
usah peduli lagi ― segala kata, bicaranya.

bohong, temberang semua

Bacalah segala ocehan agama, fahamilah penguasa aparat sekongkolan ― atas nama  mohor agama ― memalu-aibkan     

berkali-kali, berulang kali ― merosakkan

Bacalah betapa amanah itu, mereka cabul ― cabuli      

Bacalah sikap tindak mereka:

urus, lindung membesarkan

ceritera lidah kontot ― pekak agama.

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