Friday, April 1, 2011

Udang-Udang (ejaanya betul, udang) Kita

Sex tape: Why the foot dragging?
Apr 1, 11 8:07am

'It's crystal clear that a crime had been committed by the trio. Immediate action has to be taken. What are the police waiting for?'

Sex video: No arrest made, says Hisham

Singa Pura Pura: A fortnight has passed. No arrests were made and no one was charged despite the fact that there are at least three sections of federal laws that have been infringed.

On the contrary, there was a surfeit of gratuitous disclaimers by the prime minister, home minister and other Umno goons that they have no part in this depravity nor have they used the police or the machinery of the state to protect the pornographers. Such denials are plainly against the weight of the evidence and the precedence of history.

Not only were the trio of pornographers not prosecuted - they had the temerity to hold press conferences in public in furtherance of, and in postscript to, their crimes. They have the political gall to issue new ultimatums to the person they alleged was the subject matter of their pornography.

It is just asinine for the legally-trained home minister to parrot, "I don't know, you have to ask the prosecutor or the police." Is this Dicey's rule of law or Umno's rule of lawlessness.

Hence, the only logical and natural presumption that may be drawn from the trio's ability to continually flout the laws of the country with impunity is that they must have been pre-assured by the police and/or their Umno masters that they would be shielded from legal sanctions. If there is evidence to rebut this presumption, the country should like to see it!


Udang dan undang-undang

Rakyat sangat keliru, marah, marah, marah ....
begitu sekali AMAAAHHHHnya!
Rakyat terus bertanya, bertanya, bertanya....dan bertanya DAN BERtanya Lagi.

Inikah caranya?  Ya, inikah caraMU??


Rakyat yakin LAW itu ada set gandingannya:

Satu untuk AKU,

lainnya buat kamu-kamu semua

― jembalang belaka 

Rakyat juga telah yakin ― segalanya hancur lebur

Rakyat juga jelas ― sekali:

Udang dan Undang-undang itu

― berpilih-pilih dan dipilih-pilih
Semua untuk kamu

tiada satu pun untuk kami

Kamilah penentu  



hantu jembalang.

Wangsa Maju
1 April 2011

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