Thursday, February 4, 2010

Marilah kita semua berdoa

Apa kata Dinmerican dalam blognya.

"February 3, 2010

Fitnah 2 (Base Canard2) Trial commences today

Sorry for the language and the use of the F-word, but vulgarity in this instance should be forgiven. The statement on the T-Shirt (below) conveys the mood I am in today. Saiful Bukhari is the key witness on Day 1 and his testimony (see subsequent postings) made under Oath, as reported by Malaysiakini and The Malaysian Insider, should make all of us sick to our stomachs. Here is the T-shirt which I think should reflect the mood of all decent and peace loving Malaysians.

What this young and misguided person, Saiful, would not do to attempt to destroy Anwar Ibrahim’s standing in the community. In the name of politics, our government is engaged in a game that makes Malaysia the laughing stock of the world. The representatives of the media, cable tv networks and non governmental organisations are around and they are monitoring and reporting the court proceedings to their readers and viewers throughout the world. The end result is that we Malaysians are the losers.

We are all in the dock, not Anwar Ibrahim alone. Anwar Ibrahim just happens to be in court as a victim of a judicial system which is subservient to executive power of the Malaysian state . Why is Anwar Ibrahim being lynched? Because we who want a better and honest government to serve us had opted to vote Pakatan Rakyat (PKR, DAP and PAS) on March 8, 2008 . We challenged UMNO hegemony and, as a result, denied Barisan Nasional their customary 2/3rds majority in our 12th Parliament. We made Anwar Ibrahim, the PKR de facto leader, into a powerful force to be reckoned with by his political opponents and the government of the day.–Din Merican"

Ya, seperti yang dipaparkan di belakang baju T, blog Din itu:

"I Don't Need SEX: The Government fucks me everyday"

Ya, begitulah hebatnya sebuah kerajaan itu.

Dan kita: Seluruh rakyat jelata...melihat...melihat...melihat dan memerhatikan semua ini penuh dengan perasaan yang begitu sukar sekali untuk digambarkan oleh kata-kata.

Namun, tanpa kita sedari, sebenarnya banyak yang boleh dan mampu kita lakukan. Setiap kali kita bersembahyang, kita berdoa. Setiap kali kita berjemaah, berJumaat kita juga berkumpul...lalu kita pun berdoa. Begitu juga tatkala khutbahnya Jumaat berehat sebentar, kita berdoa.

Setiap hari sebanyak 17 (tujuh belas) rakaat tatkala sujud, kita begitu rapat sekali dengan Yang Maha Esa, Pencipta kita:

Marilah kita adukan semuanya ini kepadaNya.

Buat temanku, John ingatlah semua ini tatkala sdr berdoa sebelum makan...atau bila-bila, di mana saja.

Buat teman dan sahabatku Phuah, kita amat perlukan doa sdr.

Ya..Tuhan, bebaskanlah kami, seluruh rakyat negara ini dari penderitaan sebegini, buat selama-lamanya.

Ya Tuhan, dedaun, embun, langit, laut dan bukit bukau sedang tertawakan kami...betapa pedihnya.

Ya Allah, ampunilah kami..


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