Friday, October 29, 2010

Siri pantun belanjawang 2011: Pantun nombor enam

 Siri Pantun Belanjawang 2011: Nombor enam   

1) Payungnya lagi bocor, Pak

sana duyung sini pun duyung
duyung tokjib sangatlah ayu
sana payung sini pun payung
payung ajaib taruhan Melayu

duyung tokjib tersangatlah ayu
mati tertikam Kerismudin keris
payung ajaib taruhan Melayu
apakan daya payungnya tiris

'The umbrella concept doesn't work - whatever filters down are just crumbs slipping through the fingers of the cronies. It is no wonder why income disparity is the highest amongst the Malay community.' Malaysiakini, 24 October 2010 

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