Monday, May 27, 2013

Manusia dan maqam@statusnya

Seperti ‘Mission Impossible’, kutemui sampul ini dalam peti masuk mel elektronik terbaru:

In your honest opinion, when your forefathers (our great grandfathers) were still around say, in the early 20th century, what then were their thoughts on ensuring ‘the safety, protection hence the survival’ of their future generations?  For example our forefathers of the early era of the 20th century, say during the period when Dato Onn was struggling hard to remain relevant, would have they thought that the special rights of the Malays was THE most relevant instrument of survival for the Malays?  Or actually they, these forefathers of ours, were then still running naked in Kerala, Central Jawa, Shantung or some other parts of this world?

Honestly, as a pure ‘Malay’ do you sincerely think that constitutional provisions such as the rights of the Malays, Islam etc would really help ‘protect’ the Malays, your future generations?  As a ‘pure’ Malay yourself, you are really convinced that these are the best proven foul-proof protection mechanisms installed in the Constitution in order to protect your great-great grand children?  Why you are so sure that all these provisions would not to be hijacked betrayed and manipulated by the well-connected, the rich Malays, the royalties, or for that matter, the ‘instant-Malay’ rascals for their short-term benefits?

If you are not so sure, yes if you honestly doubt it, why are you not worried and busy in the actual protection mechanisms your future great grand children?  Why are you not letting them out in this borderless world on their own, to learn on how to compete and survive?  Why must you cling to something that is fictitious and venerable for manipulation by crooks-turned-politicians?

Worst still, why do you think ‘the BR1M brand’ formula has really helped you and your great grand children?


Kawanku menghantar sebuah Nota Tong Sampah berikut:

Aku percaya manusia umumnya memang gemar sekali berada dalam kelompok-kelompok istimewa yang ekslusif.  Mungkin ini bertujuan menyerlahkan gengsinya, kepakaran bidangnya, keistimewaannya dan ketinggian maqamnya jika dibandingkan dengan manusia umum.  Mungkin.  Jangan fikir bahawa yang ekslusif-eksklusif ini hanya wujud dan berlaku di lingkungan kelab-kelab sosial, kelab golf atau kelab tupperware saja.  Dan jangan terkejut dalam agama juga ada kelas dan maqamnya.  Yang tinggi maqamnya mestilah dihormati.  Oleh itu, jangan sekali-kali tunjuk pandai jika agama itu bukan bidangnya kamu. Namun entah mengapa, para pemilik agama juga memiliki keyakinan yang tinggi bahawa rakyat yang tak seagama dengannya, mereka yang tak pedulikan pun agama malah begitu takut akan hukum hakam dan sanksi agama yang tidak mereka fahami itu, PASTI akan mengundi mereka sebagai Sang Penguasa.  Hujahnya cukup mudah, itu semua kerja Allah.  Apakah kamu tidak pelik sekiranya aku keliru yang amat sangat? 

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