Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nik Aziz gave alms.

The writer’s comment on “PAS: Nik Aziz gave alms, not bribes”
Malaysiakini. Nov 3, 10 12:22pm

In my humble opinion, there are a number of common features which have been ‘repeatedly recycled’ within our rotten system ― among others, these include slander (*), the role the rotten media, the dual (or more?) standards that are being practised, the bias misbehaviour and selective nature of our existing ‘system’ and its machinery.  Like it or not, all these elements have been cultivated, fertilised, nourished and utilised as lethal arsenals against political opponents.  

As a result, there is a big difference between ‘I/Me’ and ‘you’ (read: ‘I’, am the ruling elite and ‘you’ are that disgraced Opposition/rakyat).  Hence, if ‘I’ were to do it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Why? The reason is pretty simple, because ‘I’ am doing it. 

How do we solve that problem, then? The answer is simple: You have to be with ME, in order to be also seen ‘correct, correct... ’

Terrible state-of-affairs, isn’t?  This is no Sartre, it’s very real. 

What then, is the answer?   We all have to visualise THAT Change, and go for THAT change.  Of course we, the rakyat would have to fight for THAT Change.

Yes, we are ― THAT rakyat.


(*) I am quoting the views of two Malaysiakini readers to illustrate what ‘fitnah’/slander is all about.  I have replaced the real names of the authors. My original intention was to post the above comment to Malaysiakini but due to its length, on second thought, I choose to post this write-up on to

A: Both are guilty, but what makes a difference is that BN is corrupted and do this all the time, however PKR/PAS is very honest and will not corrupt the voters with anything. So we know what to expect from them also. Their excuse, BN do it, so we have to do it too. So we can expect corruption if they get to Putrajaya.

B: This country is going the dog, literally. The current government practices "close one eye" policy and the so called religious party aspiring to "guide the infidels" is also following suit. Probably corruption is so ingrained in our culture that the act of giving a few ringgit to sway votes is accepted as long as it's not millions.

Here, I just would like to comment B’s opinion.  

To B:  Dear Sir/Madam,

This is just an observation:

This is the reason why we say ‘fitnah’ is very malicious.  If I am not mistaken, in Islam it is viewed as worse than murder. (If you are a Muslim, please refer verse 2 of the Quran (2:191, 2:193 and 2:217 which are all about fitnah.  Thank you very much Ustaz Azizi Abdullah,  the prolific national literary figure for that piece of information).     

Let me elaborate some aspects which might be of interest to you and perhaps some of our dear readers.  To get a glimpse ― just a glimpse of Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, one has to observe his daily routines, his activities with the masses.

Just drop by ‘his’ mosque at Pulau Melaka and observe the daily routine, when he starts his early morning prayer, the Subuh prayer.  Ask around the general rakyat that you meet in Kelantan about Pas Kelantan and Tok Guru Nik Aziz.  If you are non-Malay, please do not miss Medan Selera at Jalan Kebun Sultan, in Kota Bharu where liquor is allowed and served to the public.  It was here that I came to know of the existence of a Muslim cemetery ― one which shares a common boundary with a Chinese Temple.  According to our source, he cited this example in order to drive one pertinent point: It is Umno, MCA and the likes who have been trying very hard to drive the Chinese away from Pas.  (I have posted the item earlier in this blog.)

Please get hold the latest copy of PMBK’s corporate magazine, “Qiadah” and read the interview with the ex-State Financial Officer of Kelantan (who later became the State Secretary), Dato’ Abdul Razak Salleh  on his first impression of Ustaz Nik Aziz Nik Mat (as he was known then), the first day he was in office as the Chief Minister of Kelantan.  Compare the present lifestyle with what used to be then, two decades ago.  Has the man changed?

It was in one of our sessions with Tok Guru Nik Aziz, we (Dinsman and I), discovered how very fondly he talked of his late Afghan Tok Guru, Tok Khurasan and came to know ― that the grandson of Tok Khurasan is still around in Kota Bharu.  Of course we were too please to meet the descendant of the Afghan religious scholar.  Before leaving, Tok Guru passed over an envelope to one of our team members, to be handed over to Khurasan’s grandson.  It was here,   we later discovered that seeing the grandson and the alms giving process is one of Tok Guru Nik Aziz’s busy routines.            

Mr/Madam B,

Later ― if you have the opportunity, please get hold of a copy of a compact disc on “Two decades of Pas administration in Kelantan” and observe the independent views of his past and present aides, counterparts on how Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat ‘manages his income’.  Here, the alms giving aspect of it would be clearly demonstrated.

Why all these details?  In Islam, just like most religions ― I presume, ‘godly-motivated activities’ like alms giving are personal matters between a man and his Creator.  But the press,  a ‘fitnah-monger’― that slandering machine ― the very product of a rotten system, is capable of stretching its imagination to the utmost extreme,  in order to put down political opponents.  It just shows how ‘fitnah’ works within our political culture.   

What then, is our humble view on the alms giving episode with the Orang Asal?  The man is no saint and we do not demand saints to lead us.  But if, yes if, we have one among us, why despise and ridicule him?

To me it was not a very wise move for a simple reason ― in our political jungle even the deadliest of beasts are shy of our behaviours.  The limit of its cruelty has no known boundaries.  

Would you ever believe the unthinkable fate that has befallen DSAI and the series of Sodomy trials he has gone and is going through? It is just unbelievable ― but that’s the reality.  That shows how mean some of our politicians could be.  No word, no word could ever describe it. 

Why does that happen? He chose to leave Umno and be with the masses, and for that ― he has to pay the price.

It is not about Pakatan Rakyat, it is about the future of this country. And for that there shouldn’t be any turning back for us.

Let us repeat the message:

What then, is the answer?   Together, we have to visualise THAT Change, go for THAT change.  And it is the rakyat who must fight for THAT Change.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When a person or a media potrays or demonstrates "To Guru Nik Abdul Aziz giving alms" as a practice of corruption , such acts clearly illustrates that the person or the media has successfully collaberated with "Setan",the devil !