Nasib Mak Nyah
di zaman penjajah jauh lebih bagus
Di atas adalah
kata-kata yang dipinjam dari bab 5 bertajuk, “ Male to Female Transsexuals (Mak
Nyah) in Malaysia” hasil tulisan Teh Yik Koon. (Tajuk bukunya, “ Malaysia
Public Policy & Marginalised Groups, edited by Phua Kai Lit, Persatuan Sains
Sosial Malaysia: 2007: 109)
“In my interview
with a 63 year old mak nyah, she claimed that mak nyahs during the colonial
days were a happy lot as they were left alone and could live openly as mak
nyahs. The police and the Islamic
religious authorities did not harass them.
The police accepted them as they were.
Sometimes, the police even gave them treats but never asked them for any
sexual favours in return. Generally, the
society was tolerant towards them.”
Siapa kata
Merdeka selalunya membawa nikmat?
Siapa kata ‘kaum
yang lemah’ seperti Mak Nyah akan bebas dari peraduan-peraduan menunjuk-nunjuk siapakah
yang lebih Islam jika dibandingkan dengan musuh politiknya?
Siapa sudah
lupa kisah LBG sebagai senjata untuk memusnahkan musuh politik?
Siapa percaya
setelah 56 tahun merdeka, beginilah keadaan kita?