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“NUR Alert should be for all missing children
Prema Devaraj
Jan 12, 11, 3:59pm
Jan 12, 11, 3:59pm
The Women's Centre for Change, Penang (WCC) welcomes the efforts taken by various parties to ensure the implementation of an early alert system for missing children, NUR (National Urgent Response) Alert.
While valuing this effort, WCC is concerned that the intended NUR Alert would only be focusing on missing children aged 12 and below. We are unclear as to how this decision was arrived at.
Based on 2008 police statistics, 86 percent (six out of seven) of missing children below 12 years of age were found, whereas only 56 percent (655 out of 1,174) of missing children below 18 years were found.
Similarly the numbers in 2009 showed a recovery rate of 90 percent (45 out of 50) for missing children below 12 years but only 47 percent (497 out of 1,048) of missing children below 18 years were found.
The statistics indicate three things(i) the number of older children (between 12-18 years) who go missing is much higher than younger children (less than 12 years) (ii) the recovery rate for older children is much less than for younger children (iii) on average, about half of the older missing children i.e., the teenagers, remain missing.
It is extremely worrying to know that in Malaysia, several hundred children remain missing yearly.
For the parents and family of a missing child, the situation is extremely distressing. Their lives change at that instant of knowing their child is missing.
One can only imagine the pain and anguish of the families who never recover their missing child.
It does not matter whether the child is below 12 or not. Such a loss can never be rectified.
While WCC understands the difficulty and effort it takes to find missing children, especially the older ones, we call upon the authorities involved in the planning and implementation of NUR Alert to consider that a wider service be made applicable to all missing children, and not just to those below the age of 12 years.
Keeping our children safe is a commitment which requires community effort and cooperation. Finding our children when they go missing, irrespective of their age or circumstance, is equally important.
While valuing this effort, WCC is concerned that the intended NUR Alert would only be focusing on missing children aged 12 and below. We are unclear as to how this decision was arrived at.
Based on 2008 police statistics, 86 percent (six out of seven) of missing children below 12 years of age were found, whereas only 56 percent (655 out of 1,174) of missing children below 18 years were found.
Similarly the numbers in 2009 showed a recovery rate of 90 percent (45 out of 50) for missing children below 12 years but only 47 percent (497 out of 1,048) of missing children below 18 years were found.
The statistics indicate three things(i) the number of older children (between 12-18 years) who go missing is much higher than younger children (less than 12 years) (ii) the recovery rate for older children is much less than for younger children (iii) on average, about half of the older missing children i.e., the teenagers, remain missing.
It is extremely worrying to know that in Malaysia, several hundred children remain missing yearly.
For the parents and family of a missing child, the situation is extremely distressing. Their lives change at that instant of knowing their child is missing.
One can only imagine the pain and anguish of the families who never recover their missing child.
It does not matter whether the child is below 12 or not. Such a loss can never be rectified.
While WCC understands the difficulty and effort it takes to find missing children, especially the older ones, we call upon the authorities involved in the planning and implementation of NUR Alert to consider that a wider service be made applicable to all missing children, and not just to those below the age of 12 years.
Keeping our children safe is a commitment which requires community effort and cooperation. Finding our children when they go missing, irrespective of their age or circumstance, is equally important.
PREMA DEVERAJ is the programme director for the Women's Centre for Change, Penang.
Memang benar ― adalah amat meresahkan mengetahui bahawa sekian ratusan kanak-kanak Malaysia hilang setiap tahun.
Bagi ibu bapa yang kehilangan anak, penderitaan yang mereka harung-tanggungi itu tidak terbayangkan betapa sakit perihnya. Kehidupan mereka berubah serta merta dengan kehilangan yang sedemikian.
Tidak ada kata-kata yang dapat menggambarkan penderitaan ibu bapa yang TIDAK dapat menemui semula anak-anak mereka.
Sebagai anggota masyarakat, apakah memadai jika kita sekadar berkongsi kesedihan para ibu bapa yang sangat malang ini?
Apakah kesedihan yang mengiringi kita, setiap kali melewati rumah-rumah tol, tempat-tempat awam, dan segala macam premis yang mempamerkan wajah-wajah comel itu, mencukupi?
Apa dan bagaimanakah upaya kita agar segala usaha murni yang diperjuangkan oleh WCC, Penang itu dapat kita sokong, bantu dan perkukuhkan?
Apakah tidak mungkin isu sosial yang begitu meresahkan ini diteliti dengan lebih mendalam di dalam program yang sedang disusun oleh sasterawan Azizi Abdullah bersama Tuan SM Idris dan CAPnya itu kelak?
Wahai masyarakat negara tercinta ― masih walafiat roh nurani sosialmu itu?
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