Sunday, June 23, 2013

Berjual beli agama

Pandangan para pakar bidang

Membaca reaksi segera (ya,  semacam mi yang segera juga) seorang Mufti,  tentang syahid yang sedang diperkatakan sekarang ini, kita jadi teringat kepada tulisan mantan timbalan pengerusi National Intelligence Council di CIA.  Untuk renungan bersama, kita petik pandangan mantan orang besar CIA ini.

Sebelum itu, ada beberapa soalan yang memerlukan sedikit pencerahan, misalnya:

i) Apakah reaksi segera ini 'fatwa'(?).  Ia fatwa kerana ia datang dari mulut seorang yang pakar dalam bidangnya? 

ii) Kenapakah agaknya orang-orang pakar seperti ini cepat benar berfatwa dalam sesetengah isu tapi berkelakuan semacam burung pipit yang tuli dalam kes-kes yang lain? 

iii) Soalan yang tak kurang penting:  Apakah pandangan para pakar agama juga mestilah mengikut juzuk-juzuk isu tertentu saja?  Jika ya, kenapakah begitu?

Sila renungi petikan di bawah ini:
Graham E. Fuller, A World Without Islam, Little, Brown and Company, New York.  2010:245-246.

“The death of Islamic intellectual vigor and curiosity an exhaustion of civilizational élan without dramatic new intellectual input led to the decline of creative thinking in Islamic theology, philosophy, science, and technology.  Ritual and narrow legalism came to triumph over thought and inquiry in what passed for the study of Islam.  Thinking ossified, inhibiting even the kind of historical scrutiny of Islam’s own texts and sources of authority that was possible in earlier centuries.  This atrophy of Muslim intellectual vigor was well demonstrated in the collapse of Muslim science and, possibly more damaging, in a general passivity toward later scientific and technological development in the West until the same technology landed on the Muslim doorstep and overwhelmed it.  Even in the face of the West’s challenge, most Muslim reformers looked at the West primarily as a warehouse of technological hardware, without grasping the need for the all-important cultural and intellectual software that made it all function”.

Mengikut, perkataan bertanda merah ialah seperti berikut:

élan  (1. Enthusiastic vigor and liveliness. 2. Distinctive style or flair).

ossified (1. To change into bone; become bony. 2. To become set in a rigidly conventional pattern.

atrophy  (1. Pathology A wasting or decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use: muscular atrophy of a person affected with paralysis. 2. A wasting away, deterioration, or diminution: intellectual atrophy).

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