Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kalau Umno itu lagu...

...maka judi adalah iramanya

1.0 Mukadimah

Pertama sekali, saya mohon maaf kepada para pejuang PPSMI kerana saya ingin menulis teks ini dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Ya, sejak turun ke jalan raya pada 7 Mac 2009 lalu, sakit dan pedih ulu hati digas (bukan GAS!) air dan asap pemedih mata membuat saya lebih peka untuk tidak berbicara dalam bahasa Inggeris. Dan saya juga selalu teringat akan sikap seorang doktor pakar Tionghua di Kuantan Medical Centre yang menjawab semua soalan dalam bahasa Inggeris saya dengan bahasa Melayu yang cukup fasih. Saya begitu teruja dengan kehebatan dan kefasihannya.

2.0 We, the BN goverment want to be fair to our non-Muslim communities.

Kepada semua teman dalam LLG, Ban Chen, cikgu Goh dan Phuah Kim Heng, inilah mesej buat renungan para sahabat sekalian:

On 15th December 2004, in Dewan Negara there was this question by one Senator Datuk Ratnam a/l Muthiah on the proposal to stop gambling activities in the country. This, in a nutshell was the reply given, by the Parliamentary Secretary then, Datuk Hilmi Yahya:

“The government (read: Umno/BN) does not intend to stop all licensed gambling activities in the country because we want to be fair to the non-Muslim communities, besides curtailing the activities of illegal bookies.”

He further reiterated that the government does not intend to stop this activity because gambling is a culture amongst some specific communities.

“Even though this is an Islamic country, we, however are multiracial and there are communities whose culture includes gambling.”

Interestingly, in the same breath, he added, “The government does not intend to reduce the number of draws of Magnum, Toto and 1 +3D lotteries for it would definitely reduce the amount of tax collected. If we reduce one such draw weekly, the amount of tax lost would be RM 620 million per annum.”

3.0 Stop the insult; join us in the march of the 100,000 rakyat to Istana Negara on the 3rd July 2010.

To me this infamous divide-and-rule mind of the ruling class does not, in actual fact, understand how the sound-mind-of-the-post-PRU12 works. It forgets the fact that we are now conscientiously yet vigorously tearing down the walls of misconceived perception which have been deliberately erected by Umno/BN. They just cannot comprehend that new scenario, hence are completely lost.

This is not surprising ― for decades, these political leeches have thrived on and have been sucking the emotions of the uninformed, the masses ― those deprived of the correct real-time information.

To them making a mockery of ‘real-genuine’ message of Islam has always been ‘no big deal’ for it has been a convenient yet effective political arsenal. So is a veiled reference to a certain community as gamblers. Imagine such utter act of misplaced-irresponsible justification ― a GIGO-generated thrash from an overworked political machine, just to defend gambling!

Yet again how they have miserably failed to see the desire of the masses.

What then is our next move?

Please encourage our friends, especially our Chinese and Indian friends to come out in numbers on the 3rd of July 2010.

Let us tell them, Malaysians irrespective of race, religion and creed simply hate JUDI!

The 3rd of July 2010 must not be seen as another Melayu event. It must be an event celebrated by all Malaysians.

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